CryptoLaunch Version 1.0

2 min readNov 12, 2021


CryptoLaunch has arrived. Over time, we hope it’ll become a one-stop-shop for anyone hoping to launch tokens on BSC and beyond. For now, we believe we’ve built a solid foundation for future expansion.

At launch, anyone can go to and create their very own static rewards/reflection token with just a few clicks.

What Does it Cost?

First and foremost, keep in mind that this, like all of SAFERmoon’s other initiatives, does not directly benefit any of the project owners or developers. The goal of this project, as it has always been, is to contribute to BSC’s security landscape with useful tools that enable project owners and investors to operate with confidence.

Now, let’s get down to the three costs, and how they are used.


In order to launch a new token, the token owner must supply the initial liquidity. This includes an amount of your new token, plus BNB to pair it with. One of the measures we’re employing to ensure only non-scam tokens are launched via the CryptoLaunch platform is to mandate a 10 BNB minimum for creating the new liquidity pair.

This 10 BNB goes directly to creating liquidity. LP tokens are sent to the liquidity timelock, which is by default set to 6 months. Token creators can increase this length on the creation page if they’d like, and if the time is shorter, prospective investors will be able to see this on the token page.

Usage Fee

There is a 40 Billion SAFERmoon charge to launch a token, an amount that can be adjusted from time to time based on market conditions. The fee is intended to reduce circulating supply. In other words, all fee sums are burned. None go to an accessible wallet.

Transaction Fee(s)

Transaction fees are part of using BSC. Whenever a project owner initiates a change or launches a token, you will be charged a standard BNB fee by Binance.

How to Create Your Own Token

This one’s easy! Simply visit and login. You’ll see an option to create a new token. Follow the instructions, and your token will launch.

What’s Next?

Like we’ve said before, creating the CryptoLaunch V1 platform was a massive undertaking. What happens next is largely up to the community. What features should be added? What token types? What additional mechanisms and tokenomics would you like to see employed?




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