SAFERmoon Launchpad Progress Update

5 min readJun 21, 2021


Note: this article is not investment advice. Do your own research, and never invest more than you can afford to lose in any project.

Yes, it sucks that the market is down again… but we have some exciting news!

The SAFERmoon dev team has spent 60 hours in the past 3 days working intensively on the launchpad, and we’ve made some incredible progress.

We’ve split the project into 5 stages:

  1. Planning (done). This phase is perhaps the most important of all. We spent about a month creating detailed specs for the launchpad’s initial state (known as the minimum viable product, or MVP).
  2. Contracts (mostly done). Smart contracts live on BSC and govern everything that occurs on the chain. The SAFERmoon token itself is governed by a smart contract, as is everything else you interact with on the chain.
  3. Back end. This refers to database-related work. For example, in order to create pages for each of the launchpad tokens, we need to write a back end to store and make accessible all the data.
  4. Front end (in progress). This refers to the way the website looks and operates. It’s the visual and user experience component.
  5. Audit(s). As talented as our devs are, we still need a thorough audit of the code. We’ll likely work with more than one auditor for this.

Progress Update

With our latest 3-day push, the dev team has nearly completed all work on phase two. The only exception is implementing our sniping bot protection, which is already fully specced out.

What is a contract, and why does it take so much time to write?

Smart contracts on BSC are written in a programming language called Solidity. Once the contracts are written, experienced developers will also write tests. These tests are written in Javascript, and they ensure that the contract behaves as expected.

Tests are important, especially in complex projects. Let’s say you decide to add in an extra piece of code. How will you know if your new code breaks something else in the contract? If it does break the contract, how will you know exactly what is broken? If you’ve been writing tests, one or more of the tests will fail if you break something elsewhere int he contract, telling you exactly where the issue is.

While writing tests takes additional time, the effort is more than worthwhile in the long run, since you spend a lot less time troubleshooting issues when they inevitable occur.

So, what have we actually accomplished in phase 2?

  • We wrote the launchpad contract itself, which is a Solidity contract capable of pushing other token contracts to mainnet.
  • We created 3 timelocks. One timelock contract owns the token and prevents changes from being pushed by project owners without warning. The second timelock is a vault for the dev funds, which project owners can choose to use for their discretionary tokens. The third timelock is to hold the LP tokens. The minimum lick is 6 months, but project owners can increase the time in 6-month increments to 5+ years if they’d like.
  • The main token contract was too big to fit in a single block on the chain, so we had to split it across multiple other contracts. This was the case even after optimization (both automated and manual).
  • The contract’s primary functions are now user-modifiable. For example, a project owner can choose to set the liquidity and reflection fee percents to whatever number they choose (as long as that number is below 15%).
  • We’ve made it possible for project owners to fund their token with the initial liquidity.
  • We wrote tests for everything, so as we make changes, we can be sure everything we’ve written thus far still works.

What’s next in phase 2?

To finish out phase 2, we’ll be writing the sniper bot protection into the contract. We don’t want to get into specifics just yet, but the goal is to protect against bots that automatically purchase large supplies of the token just after they launch. SAFERmoon had one bot like this sucking the life from our project, and we don’t want anyone else to go through this same experience.

What’s next?

After we complete the bot protection code, we’ll be moving onto the back end. We want to store as much as possible on the chain itself, but not everything can live there. Our back end will store information like:

  • Project owner email address
  • Featured token status
  • Token images
  • Audits

We’re actually beginning work on phase 4 already — the front end. A lot of the physical layout (CSS/styling) can be done independently from the contract and back end work, so we’ve already begun phase 4.

Once the contract work is finished, we’ll be able to initiate phase 5 as well. Auditors can review and make recommendations about the contracts as we work on the back and front ends.


I wish we could give an accurate timeline, but it’s exceedingly difficult to estimate how long it will take to build something like this. In other words, we might run into unforeseen problems that will add on a few days of work here and there.

We listed the launchpad as a Q3 project on our roadmap. Q3 begins in July and runs through September. As you can see, we’re already ahead of schedule with the work, and we hope to keep a brisk pace and provide regular updates on our progress.

Once the initial RFI token is available on the launchpad, we’ll immediately begin work on an influencer-focused token. This token will allow influencers to charge for access to exclusive content!

A MASSIVE Thank You!

Our community is easily the best part of working on SAFERmoon. We can’t do anything about the terrible market, but we can continue to build.

It’s easy to be discouraged by disappointing minute-to-minute numbers in this project and elsewhere, but we want to put SAFERmoon in the best possible position for the next bull run.

Just imagine a time when the market turns around and fear transforms into excitement. When that time comes, we want SAFERmoon to act as a launchpad for project owners to securely launch tokens with the press of a few buttons.

That’s the future we see, and it’s the future we’re building towards. So thank you to everyone who is along for the ride.




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