The past few days have been pretty quiet in SAFERmoon and BSC as a whole, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working. Quite the opposite!
Note: this article isn’t investment advice! Please, never invest more in any project that you can afford to lose. We’ve all learned some hard lessons in the past few weeks with all the scams. Stay safer!
What we’re working on
The dev team has been heads down coding the launchpad, which is on our roadmap for Q3. Well, Q3 begins July 1st, and we want to release version one as early in the quarter as possible.
The timing couldn’t be better. Investors are scared. Some weeks, it feels like there’s more scam projects than legitimate ones. Binance needs stability, a sense that its residents care deeply about security.
We’re building the SAFERmoon launchpad to contribute to BSC’s security ecosystem. With the press of a few buttons, even a non-coder will be able to launch an unruggable token.
A trusted source for new tokens/project is essential. Why? Because even audits don’t always catch issues with code that can lead to rugs. For example, multiple experts examined StableMagnet’s code and deemed it safe. Then the project was rugged to the tune of $22m+. This is a lot of money stolen directly from investors who will now be far more wary in investing in new projects, even if those projects are legitimate.
If SAFERmoon can offer investors a source of unruggable projects, it’ll go a long way towards creating a safer BSC ecosystem. Remember: in DeFi, it’s up to individual projects to deliver security.
Project Updates
In short, we’re ahead of schedule:
- We completed all work on the contract code (aside from the audit).
- We completed all work on the back end. This is the code that scans the chain and stores information like: recent changes to token contracts, money distributed from behind timelocks, and project information.
- We’re starting the front end design in earnest tomorrow and will be working through the weekend to complete the web3 integrations with MetaMask and TrustWallet.
We know that we’re not as present in Telegram everyday, but that’s because we’re working to complete the launchpad and other projects.
We’re also bringing on additional mod and community management support to ensure things continue to run smoothly when the dev team is off doing their thing.
SAFERmoon is the Key
We haven’t yet announced how new projects will pay to use the launchpad, but suffice it to say that SAFERmoon will be involved.
In order to launch a new token, a user will buy SAFERmoon, which will help increase the price. Then, they’ll likely need to burn the SAFERmoon to “spend” it, which will further help the price for existing holders.
Beyond that, we’ll be offering new projects that use our platform powerful incentives to set aside a portion of their supply for SAFERmoon holders to grab in staking pools.
One of the more subtle ways existing holders will benefit is by gaining access to new and exciting tokenomics. It can sometimes be frustrating to see new projects launch with fresh ideas but not be able to integrate those into SAFERmoon. Well, the launchpad will allow us to easily create safer versions of all of these new token types and open them up for a secure launch.
The first token type will be a static rewards token, but we’ll quickly be iterating and adding new token/project types to keep pace with the ever-evolving BSC landscape.
We’re getting more and more excited by the possibilities the launchpad will open up as we draw close to launch! Hopefully, this article explains a bit more about why we’re so exciting… and why you should be excited, too.
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